Tuesday, October 26, 2010

More than a workout...a lifestyle change!

Yesterday I promised I would reveal my total weight loss and explain how core fusion has changed my life (for the better, of course!). Maybe it was because I've always played competitive sports, or maybe it was because I never paid such close attention to each specific muscle group. But core fusion has made me respect my body and want to take care of it. With sports, it seemed to be about prepping the body to perform in competitive situations. With core fusion, it was about understanding my body and doing what felt good on that specific day. Knees hurt today? Take it easy and work within your limits. Tight hamstrings? Do what you can today, and maybe you can do a bit more tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I never had a soccer coach tell me 'You should sit out the uphill sprints today if you don't feel up to it'. Being aware of my strengths and weaknesses (strength: a flexible back. weakness: TIGHT hamstrings!) helped me understand what I needed to improve and what I should be grateful for.

This awareness also spilled over into being more aware of what I put into my body. I'm not talking drastic changes - I know such things don't work for me. As a sidenote, I tried going vegetarian a few years ago, and all seemed to be going pretty well until the night I dreamt I was at a meat buffet, standing in line waiting for a few slices of prime rib! You get the point, I don't have the discipline nor the desire to cut out certain foods entirely. But I started drinking more water because it made me feel better. I began to eat more fruits and veggies and less heavy food because I discovered that heavy foods tended to weigh down my body. I consumed less alcohol. And I gave up coffee! All this somehow translated to 15 lbs shed in ~1 year!

For those of you who haven't tried core fusion or any of the similar methods (Bar Method, Physique 57, etc.), I would encourage you to try it. If you find it isn't your thing, no problem, stick to what works for you! I personally found core fusion helped me find balance in my life. I'd love to hear about what workouts are a must for you!

Tomorrow, I'll be sharing with you how I gave up coffee (mostly). I promise I will start uploading pictures too. Picture-less posts just aren't as much fun. Anyone agree???

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