Monday, October 25, 2010

First official BLOG!

I moved to a new city over a year ago to be with my now husband, and to kill time, surfed many many blogs. I'm so excited to finally have my own, and hope you will enjoy it! I'd love to hear your thoughts on any of my postings!

Photo source: exhale spa
While on the subject of moving to a new city, last year I moved from Manhattan to a slightly smaller city, and needed a way to meet new people and more importantly, escape the confines of my apartment. I had always been a gym-goer (or as some like to say, 'gym rat'), but was tired of my same old routine. I found that my weekly workouts with my trainer, running on the treadmill, and lifting weights just weren't so exciting anymore. Moreover, I stopped seeing any progression in terms of fitness and weight loss. I was discussing this with a friend in Chicago, who is one of those fabulous moms (you know what I'm talking about, the ones who always know about the latest and greatest of anything!), and she told me about Exhale's Core Fusion classes. I knew there was an Exhale where I lived, and when I returned home, I immediately signed up for a week of unlimited classes for $40.

My first day at Exhale, I remember walking into the classroom quite confident that I was fit enough to keep up. Those thoughts disappeared within the first five minutes of class when we 'warmed up' with planks, push-ups, and 2-lb weights. I mean, really, who thought 2 lb weights could be such torturous instruments?! Then we transitioned to thigh work, where my legs shook like 2 crazy leaves in the wind. The funniest part about all this was that as I looked around to find someone to commiserate with, none of my classmates seemed phased. Apparently this was a walk in the park for everyone but me. Or so I felt at that moment. I left my first class embarrassed yet intrigued.

I continued to go, though I will admit that there were many classes where I seriously considered up and leaving. At one point it became such a feasible option in my head that I placed myself in the area of the room furthest from the door to ensure I would do no such thing. As the months went on, I found myself making progress, albeit in baby steps. My flexibility improved in leaps and bounds (anyone else have TIGHT hamstrings?), I graduated on to heavier weights, and I started doing push-ups with straight legs for the first time EVER. I enjoyed seeing familiar faces in class and getting to know the different teachers and their respective styles. And on top of all that, I said goodbye to many stubborn pounds, but in all honesty, my weight loss concerns paled in comparison to the excitement of feeling so strong!

Stay tuned...tomorrow I will reveal my total weight loss to date and tell you about how core fusion has changed my life!


  1. are you doing core fusion?!?! you must be! that sounds just like it. i do core fusion (not at exhale but at a local studio whose teacher learned at exhale!) and its the best.

  2. yes! I love it! Do you go to A to Z?
